Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology


Steel tube induction heating furnace power calculation method

Update Time: 2019-12-03 11:30:45

 P = (0.168 × 200 × 693) / (0.24 × 0.6 × 145) = 1029KW in the formula:

0.168—the average specific heat of ferrous metals;

2080—the quality of the workpiece (Kg);

200—the temperature rise of the workpiece heating;

0.24—work heat equivalent;

0.6—average efficiency (in this case, 0.6, generally 0.5 to 0.65, and the profiled sensor is lower, 0.4);

145—Working beat (seconds)

According to the above calculation, a 1KHz induction heating device with a rated power of 1500 KW can be configured to meet the needs.