Luoyang Songdao Induction Heating Technology


IF melting furnace reactor frequent burning is what causes wear?

Update Time: 2018-12-27 08:57:14

IF melting furnace reactor frequent burning is what causes wear?

Mainly through intermediate frequency melting furnace reactors frequently burn the following categories:

1. The insulation of the reactor coil is not well done. You can check whether the insulation materials of all the reactor coils meet the requirements, and soak the insulating varnish to the reactor coil.

2. There is a problem in the assembly process of the reactor, so that the insulation layer of the reactor is cracked, which will also burn out.

3. The reactor and the IF power cabinet are not insulated.

4. The water pressure of the cooling water in the reactor coil does not meet the requirements, causing the reactor coil temperature to be too high. Or the reactor is used for a long time, and the scale of the inner wall of the reactance coil is too much, which causes the reactance coil to dissipate heat badly.

5. The intermediate frequency voltage is too high.

6, the medium frequency power supply and reactor use environment is not good, such as too humid.

7. Is there any problem with the core material of the reactor, and there is a serious heat generation phenomenon during use. If the core temperature rises more than 30 degrees after the device has been running at full power for 30 minutes, it is necessary to check the core of the reactor.